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Chart Master: Effective Patient Documentation (TRIAL)
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30 Day Evaluation Details:
The overall goal of the online tutorial Chart Master: Effective Patient Documentation is to help nurses and other members of the healthcare professions develop excellent documentation skills.
This online tutorial was designed for both students who are just learning the principles of patient documentation and practicing professionals who wish to update and improve their charting skills.
Content Overview:
The content is divided into seven modules as follows:
- Module 1: Introduction to Patient Documentation
- Module 2: The Importance of Effective Documentation
- Module 3: The Nursing Process and Effective Documentation
- Module 4: Major Components of Common Charting Systems
- Module 5: Principles of Expert Documentation
- Module 6: Guidelines for Avoiding Legal Pitfalls
- Module 7: Test Bank
The Test Bank affords students and/or instructors the opportunity to evaluate knowledge gained from the study of the tutorial. Module 7 is divided into two individual tests with 10 randomized questions in each test.
Students are provided with immediate test results including explanations of the correct and incorrect answers accompanied by rationale. Students can make printouts of their test scores and submit these for instructor review. In addition, test results are stored in databases on the EDGT server for later student or instructor retrieval and review.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this tutorial, the learner will be able to:
- Discuss the importance of nursing documentation.
- Explain how the nursing process can help nurses effectively document patient problems.
- Describe the major components of common charting systems.
- Adhere to the principles of expert nursing documentation.
- Identify the common legal pitfalls of nursing documentation.
License and Pricing:
You can enjoy this tutorial free for 30 days. A fully licensed purchase of this tutorial includes an unlimited number of users at the site of purchase for a period of three years. Additional campuses may purchase access to the tutorial for half price.
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