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Strategies for Problem Solving
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Online Tutorial Details:
This tutorial is designed to help current or future nurses think critically, problem solve and make clinical decisions with greater skill and confidence. In addition, it provides opportunities for learners to apply the methods, strategies, and skills described in the tutorial in sample clinical situations.
Content Overview:
The online tutorial begins with an overview of problem solving theory including relevant terms, intellectual skills, strategies, methods, and problem solving steps. It then applies these concepts and principles to nursing practice. The tutorial ends with a game, a practice decision-making activity, and a clinical simulation. The content is divided into seven modules as follows:
- Module 1: Introductory Concepts
- Module 2: Strategies and Skills Commonly Used by Nurses
- Module 3: Factors Nurses Must Consider
- Module 4: Wheels to Wellness: A Game
- Module 5: Practice Decision Making
- Module 6: Clinical Simulation
- Module 7: Test Bank
The tests in the test bank cover all of the tutorial modules. Students are given their test results at the completion of each test accompanied by correct answers and rationale. Instructor can use these tests as pre- or post-tests. Test scores can be used to monitor student progress and mastery of the subject matter. Test results are recorded in databases on the EDGT server and are available for retrieval and review by both instructors and students.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this tutorial, learners should be able to:
- Describe why problem solving is important in nursing practice.
- Define terms commonly related to problem solving.
- Discuss the information-processing model as the theoretical basis for problem solving.
- Discuss intellectual skills frequently used by individuals during the problem solving process.
- Discuss common strategies used by individuals to assist in problem solving.
- Describe methods frequently used by problem solvers to generate potential solutions to problems.
- List eight steps suggested for problem solving.
- Identify activities that should be included in each of the eight suggested steps of the problem solving process.
- Explain how nurses transfer problem solving skills, strategies, and methods used in every day life situations to the clinical setting.
- Identify problem solving strategies commonly used by nurses in the clinical setting.
- Describe factors nurses must consider as they problem solve in clinical situations.
- Given sample clinical nursing situations, identify the most appropriate intellectual skills, strategies, and methods to use for problem solving.
- Select the best resource for information in simulated clinical problem situations.
- Make appropriate decisions in a simulated clinical situation using the problem solving and critical thinking skills, strategies, methods, and steps presented in the program.
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License and Pricing:
The purchase price includes an unlimited number of users at the site of purchase for a period of one year. Additional campuses may purchase access to the tutorial for half price.
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